Using the movies and entertainment vocab, our group created a game called “Entertainment Central.” It includes 5 colored cards with questions about movies, singers, and actors. One player will start the game by rolling the dice and landing on a coloured square. They will then be asked a question from a card depending on the colour of square they landed on.  If you are correct on the answer you move up one more space, but if you are incorrect you move back 3 spaces. The Hollywood Star allows you to ask any player any question and Ratez Votre Tour means you miss a turn. The goal of the game is to be the first to make it around the board 2 times and on your 3rd time around, make it up to the Hollywood cut sign. This board game is made for 2-6 players.

I think we all worked equally as hard on the game. I helped with cards, coloured and drew pictures for the board game.

In the process of creating the game, I learned that it is quite hard to make a unique board game that ties into the French Movies and Entertainment theme. 

Overall, I think the game turned out good! The board game is fun, playable and entertaining 

In the documentary Sicko, Michael Moore compares United States, which is through health insurance to countries that use universal health care.   He visits many people who were denied coverage they thought they had.

Unconscious, one person was denied because she did not confirm she was going to be taking an ambulance to the hospital.  Volunteers at the 9/11 were denied funds for respiratory health care because they volunteered to be there.

Michael sails out with the 9/11 volunteers to Cuba.  Here, the medical care is free with only your name and birth date provided. The medication of one patient cost her 120 dollars each and in Cuba it was only 5 cents.

      Michael moved on to the UK. Here, all the medical expenses were covered and the cashier gives out money instead of taking it in.  At the pharmacy, you are charged only $10 for your prescription unless you are under 16 or over 60 which means it’s free.

          Like the UK, France and Canada also have a universal system which provides free health care because everybody pays taxes depending on how much you earn. There is also a medical service in France called SOS Médecins that runs all the time and provides house calls. In France, they also provide a day care that charges you just $1 an hour and a service for mothers that provides cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Also, if you are not ready to go back to work after an incident, you will still be paid for the months you need off.

     Back in the United States, 50 million people are still without health insurance hoping that they don’t get seriously injured.

                This documentary shows the difference between the health care systems in each country. It also shows that it is important to get travel insurance when you visit another country so that you are covered for in an emergency.


La différence entre la système médicale amèricaine et la système médicale française est en française il est libre et en amèricaine il est très cher.

Le film est Count of Monte Cristo. Il y avait beaucoup d’action, d'aventure et drame. Kevin Reynolds est le metteur en scène de le film. 
Le film était doublé avec sous-titres. La actrice à le film est Dagmara Dominczyk et le premier rôle est Jim Caviezel.    
  Guy Pearce et Luis Guzmán sont acteurs aussi.
Le film était au sujet de le vengeance de Edmond Dantes.
J’ai pensé que le scène où Edmond Dante et Fernand Mondego combat était violent.
     J’ai pensé que Jim Caviezel était un magnifique acteur pour Edmond Dante. 
J’ai bien aimé le film et je donnerais le film 7 sur 10